Freedom Podiatry and Health

Children’s Feet

Children’s feet are fascinating little things, and as they grow, everything changes. Their posture will change, as will the shape and the arch of their feet. There are no set rules as to how, how much, or exactly when these changes should occur. Podiatrists are trained, however, to monitor children and determine whether the changes being noticed are within healthy expectations. Sometimes children’s feet and legs need a little help to develop into the strong, stable, mobile adaptors that we would ideally like to see. They are also prone to certain annoying issues such as ingrown toenails and warts, which are commonly seen in the clinic.

Ed wants all children to have the freedom to play and create without restriction or hesitation. He considers his assessments as a really valuable way to understand the current developmental status of each child. This can be used to monitor them, plan for the expected changes as they grow, and direct interventions that may be required to optimise their health and development.

If you would like your child’s feet or posture assessed, if you’ve noticed a change in their activity levels, or especially if you’ve heard them complain, please don’t hesitate in booking in.